This page is about you.
Real stories from real people who have taken the courage to own their wounds and gifts, to walk their paths, to not wait for others, to dive deep -session after session until they start noticing shifts. Their voices found. Their hearts reconnected. Their light reclaimed.
What do you do when you feel like you have no right to exist in this world; your only goal is to be able to make your children independent enough to stand on their own two feet and be personalities that are opposite of you? You go to a therapist to understand your kids and learn how not to destroy them like you destroyed yourself. This is what I was doing when I met Magda for my first session. At that point, I was already 15 years into my mental health struggles, had been under treatment with a few psychiatrists, and gone through several hundred hours of therapy with different therapists. I was diagnosed with a serious mental health condition and was taking a cocktail of medicines daily to stay barely functional. What came afterwards was a complete flip of my inner and outer world. I got off my medicines and started healing. It was as if I had been living deep under water for a very long time struggling to breathe. But I got used to it and forgot there was something different above this water; and now Magda was slowly helping me rise to the surface towards light, air, safety and freedom. If this sounds too good to be true, please know that I still find it funny that for the longest time it was unbelievable for me too. Before I embarked on this journey, I had always thought that my healing was conditional to people and circumstances around me changing to become better. However, as I walked along the road of healing, I found out that it was my inner world that was the key to my healing, and that as I healed, I helped everything and everyone around me to become better too. My physical, emotional, and spiritual beings all needed to be heard and seen. As I turned towards them and started to understand them, love them, and take care of them, I got better and people and situations around me became better too. Healing is a very small word to describe the monumental life force that got freedom within me and enveloped me, my life, my family and my friends. Magda has been an amazing partner through all the ups and downs of this process. Her dedicated, sincere heartfelt help and guidance has been a truly magical resource which helped me carve out a path for myself, has made people around me become better humans, and has helped us make meaningful enriching relationships with everything and everyone. We are all on our health and growth journeys now. Becoming better in ourselves and in our relationships, developing full and rich inner and outer worlds around us wherever we go. ~MY (Islamabad)
It's been such a long time since we've spoken. Every so often I remember that, and I miss our conversations, and then I reflect on just how far I've come that I no longer feel the need fo our sessions. In one sense, it makes me sad that we don't speak frequently, but in so many others, I feel so much joy, and I wanted to tell you what an immense part you've played in my life and fulfillment of my life. I've learned to set boundaries that are appropriate, I've learned to say yes and no. Thank you for helping me find the courage to find the people I needed in my life to support me and be proud of me, and for helping me learn to support and be proud of myself. Thank you for teaching me how to listen to my heart instead of always being so analytical, so I could finally hear my own self and what I wanted to become. Thank you for teaching me how to listen to others, and not only to the people I love. Thank you for teaching me how to breath out stresses which are not my own, both in the moment and later on. Our work together has allowed me to do my client facing work as a lawyer bringing caes against employers who abuse their workers. I feel like I get to live my values at work now which is so amazing! I've become a better friend to my friends too and so much of that healing has allowed me to be the partner and now parent that I want to be. I know there are many ways to arrive at the place that we are, I always liked what you said about pain not being necessary for learning something, but sometimes it's the way we learn or experience it. I'd like to invert this: there may have been another way for me to have arrived at this place, but I wouldn't trade any component of my life so far, because learning with you has been...I don't have the word. "Pleasure" is too mild. It's too important and defining. Thank you for making me understand how sometimes words are not enough, and I hope you understand my sentiment, even lacking the right word. I wish your new venture every success. With gratitude, Susannah (New York)
Journeying with Magda’s holistic approach of deep care and pure presence has been so healing in mending the relationship with myself and my light. As a performer and a creative, the nurture has allowed me to build a foundational trust in myself and my capabilities to a point where I can access my flow state more readily and with ease and joy. The expedition into myself, accompanied by the soothing support of Magda, has been imperative for my career. It has rooted me to my values aligning me with professional performative work that sets my passion and purpose alight. Brainspotting has given me access to the depths of myself I struggled to dig into before, and access to these precious spaces has meant I’ve been able to comfort my past, affirm my present and nourish my future with love and radical acceptance. I am assured in who I am and that gift has granted me freedom of self-expression and the bravery to explore and expand into many playful possibilities and multitudes of myself. Thank you Magda for holding space as guide and witness, seeing and allowing me with gentleness, wisdom and unending patience. Your sensitivity and consistent care paired with practical knowledge and fierce intelligence of both the mind and body has helped hone harmony for my life force, spirit and soul. ~ T.M (London)